F5 Distributed Cloud Bot Defense (Overview and Demo)

What is Distributed Cloud Bot Defense?

Distributed Cloud Bot Defense protects your web properties from automated attacks by identifying and mitigating malicious bots. Bot Defense uses JavaScript and API calls to collect telemetry and mitigate malicious users within the context of the Distributed Cloud global network.

Bot Defense can easily be integrated into existing applications in a number of ways. For applications already routing traffic through Distributed Cloud Mesh Service, Bot Defense is natively integrated into your Distributed Cloud Mesh HTTP load balancers. This integration allows you to configure the Bot Defense service through the HTTP load balancer's configuration in the Distributed Cloud Console. For other applications, connectors are available for several common insertion points that likely already exist in modern application architectures.

Once Bot Defense is enabled and configured, you can view and filter traffic and transaction statistics on the Bot Defense dashboard in Distributed Cloud Console to see which users are malicious and how they’re being mitigated.

F5 Distributed Cloud Bot Defense is an advanced add-on security feature included in the first launch of the F5 Web Application and API Protection (WAAP) service with seamless integration to protect your web apps and APIs from a wide variety of attacks in real-time.

High Level Distributed Cloud Security Architecture


Bot Defense Demo:

In this technical demonstration video we will walk through F5 Distributed Cloud Bot Defense, showing you how quick and easy it is to configure, the insights and visibility you have while demonstrating a couple of real attacks with Selenium and Python browser automation.




Hope you enjoyed this Distributed Cloud Bot Defense Overview and Demo. If there are any comments or questions please feel free to reach us in the comments section. Thanks!

Related Resources:


Updated Jun 05, 2024
Version 6.0

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