Forum Discussion

hdkor_198245's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 19, 2015

Why use F5 for MS RDS if I still need connection brokers?

I've read the 2 main guides


written for iApps :


written for manual creation :


But I'm relatively new to configuring our F5 so I don't quite understand a few things.


Our plan is to deploy 5ish session host servers, 3ish web access servers, and 1 license server We do not currently have plans for RD Gateway (for external access)


Everything I read about the Connection Brokers however basically says that if you have multiple connection brokers and you set up DNS roundrobin they will load balance between all your session host servers and all is well.


Then when I read the F5 guides they say that if I want to still be able to direct users to an existing session host where they already have a disconnected session I still need connection brokers.


So my question is, if I still need connection brokers anyway, why even do anything with the F5? Why not just use DNS roundrobin, send users directly to the connection broker farm, which then directs them to the appropriate session host.


What advantages do I gain by using the F5? (other than health monitoring)


  • mikeshimkus_111's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    The advantages of using BIG-IP are health monitoring and TCP optimizations. If you have APM, you can deploy it as a VDI proxy, bypassing the need for RDG servers. APM also supports publishing individual Remote Desktops to a webtop for connections that don't use the RDP client.