Forum Discussion

mshoaib's avatar
Icon for Altocumulus rankAltocumulus
Sep 18, 2024

Adding New BigIP Units Using Free CPUs on i7800 (LB13 & LB14) to an existing HA Pair


We have a pair of i7800 devices, each running two guests with the following configuration:

i7800 Unit 1: LB09 & LB11
i7800 Unit 2: LB10 & LB12


Current Setup:

LB09 & LB10: These are part of a High Availability (HA) pair, running in an Active/Active configuration.
LB11 & LB12: Similarly, these two guests are also in an HA pair, running in Active/Active mode.
Each LBx unit is utilizing 6 CPUs (which is the maximum allowed per guest).


The i7800 comes with 14 CPUs total, so there are 2 unused CPUs per unit (not allocated to any guest).



  • Can we bring up new BigIP units (LB13 & LB14) using the 2 free CPUs on each i7800 unit?
  • Can these new units join the existing HA pair of LB11 & LB12 and sync configuration to each other?
  • Can the new Units serve their own traffic groups ( as shown below in the diagram ) ?
  • Is there any potential limitation or issue with utilizing the remaining CPUs for this purpose?
  • Will i7800 run out of memory or go low in memory ?



  • Offload 20% of the traffic (a handful of VIPs) to the newly created LB13 & LB14 units.
  • All LBxx ( 11,12,13 & 14 ) should back each other up and sync configuration across


    Thank you for any assistance 


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