Forum Discussion

Ireda's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Jul 29, 2024

VS and Pool Members with multiple ports



how can i cover one VS with multiple ports for a pool member listening for same ports.


VS  udp


pool members

Node1:  udp

Node1:  udp

Node1:  udp


Alos, is pool can contain same members with different ports ?

3 Replies

  • create 11 vservers.
    1 for each udp port.

    you only need to create 1 pool.
    put all 33 servers into it then bind the pool to 11 vserver above.

    pool member doesnt need to be same port as the vserver because f5 vservers does L4 proxy.

    • Ireda's avatar
      Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

      Thanks for reply

      I can create one VS by * port and one pool for 3 pool members but pool members will repeat for each port.




      VS =* port


      pool members

      Node1: udp

      Node2: udp

      Node3: udp

      Node1: udp

      Node2: udp

      Node3: udp

      and so one

  • In previous experience you would configure a virtual server per port if it's limited to a small amount of ports such as what you have provided. You would then configure a pool per port and associate that pool to the virtual server. You can have the same IP with different ports in the same pool but not a range of ports. If you wanted to allow the F5 to balance the entire range of UDP ports you could configure a VS listening only on that IP, UDP, and no port. You can then configure an iRule to a pool selection based on the port that was hit on the virtual server. I don't recommend doing it this way because it complicates things when you could keep it simple and just configure a VS and pool for each port you would like to use.