Forum Discussion

breizho35_11667's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 07, 2016

Use Forwarding(IP) VS and Standard VS at the same time



Is it possible to use a default Forwarding(IP) Virtual Serveur (any address & any port) and, in the same time, use a Standard Virtual Serveur for some services/port ?


I explain more:


In a first test, I created a Virtual Serveur (type: Forwarding(IP)) for all protocol that I need to forward/loadbalance througt the bigip. For my needs, I use a Pool as Default Route. It's works fine.


In a second test, I created several Virtual Serveur (type: Standard) for each protocol/port(80, 443, 8080...) that I use (because of persistence mechanism). For my needs, I also use Pool as Default Route. It's works fine.


Now, I would like to know how can I combine both. I would like that trafic use StandardVS for dedicated port and Forwarding(IP)VS for all other protocol. I testes but It'isnt works.


Thanks and regards.




  • Hello, thanks for your answer. Curiousely, this default VS wasn't at the end of my list.


    So it ok now.


    I have deleted and recreated this Default VS and this one is at the end of the list now and it'is ok. I note that:


    • If you disable an existing default VS (any address / any port)
    • and then you create several Standard VS (specific addresse or specific port)
    • and then you reactivate the fisrt default VS previously created.

    The default VS, that just beeing reactivated, is not at the last line and it does not work. Strange.


    Thanks for your help.




    • nathe's avatar
      Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
      odd, glad it's working now though. mark up if happy.
  • nathe's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus



    Yes, absolutely that should work. If you check out the following: Order of precedence for virtual server matching you will see that a specific port has higher precedence than a wildcard port, and a destination address of a host has a higher precedence than a network one.


    Hope this helps

