Forum Discussion

Joern_Oltmann's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 23, 2015

Update BigIP LTM VE from Version 11.6 to 12.0

Hey all,


I would like o update our BigIP LTM VE, which is running in VMWare, from Version 11.6 to 12.0 but I can't find an iso Image for download. I see only the *iso.ova Files. Is it neccessary to install the virtual machine komplet new and restore after the config? Or it is possible to update like a hotfix via "System -> Software Management -> Import" and after "System -> Software Management -> Boot Loaction"??


Thanks for help Joern


  • The documentation says to upgrade point releases in 11 download the ISO file as normal for a hardware F5, but doesn't say what to do for major releases.


    The README points at the documentation.


    Could do with a sentence clarifying if there a need to install something bigger.


    I'm presuming if the 11.x to 12.x is fine with the ISO, most likely future releases will work like this too.


    Suspect I also need to get the virtual edition added to my websupport, the admin is harder than the device management. Couldn't find a button to say what serial numbers are under support in websupport.


    • Brad_Parker's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
      You still use the base ISO for major release upgrades. Its no different than minor releases, i.e. 11.5 to 11.6. Its just a new base ISO. As for the serial, in VE your license key is your serial when contacting support.