Forum Discussion

Eric_Stewart_36's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 06, 2018

Understanding Warnings In Log File



I am seeing these two warnings:


Tue Nov 6 10:57:46 EST 2018warningxxxxF5-1tmm1[12459]01260009Connection error: hud_ssl_handler:1230: codec alert (20)


Tue Nov 6 11:09:16 EST 2018warningxxxxF5-1tmm2[12459]01260009Connection error: ssl_passthru:4021: not SSL (40)


I am not sure how/where to start looking to see if this is an issue that I need to address and if so, how.


Could someone point me in the right direction?






  • Usually, "Connection error: hud_ssl_handler:1230: codec alert" refers to errors during TLS Handshake. Client retry connections when handshake fails, so it shouldn't be an issue. If you have a lot of entries in a short space of time, maybe you should dig into this.


    REF -


    KR, Dario.


  • Surgeon's avatar
    Ret. Employee

    The 1s message indicates that SSL handshake to a vip was terminated due to critical error


    The 2d message indicates that traffic that hits a vip with ssl profile is not ssl


    It does not meant that you are getting any issues. It might me just random traffic that hit your vips. The 1st of all you need to verify if there is an actual issue with services while accessing the services via big-ip.