Forum Discussion

Sulabh_Srivasta's avatar
Jan 07, 2019

Two URLs for same VIP and same pool for two different application ?

Hello All,   I have a query, I have two applications hosted on backend (real server) server, so can I use two URLs with same virtual server(VIP) and same pool for two different applications, the U...
  • John_Huttley_23's avatar
    Jan 08, 2019



    No, you need a SAN cert.


    You are doing Dev/internal which makes the answer easy.


    get xca from here



    It makes managing your own certs a joy.


    Make your own CA cert, with a 10 year life. Then distribute that to your internal clients as a trusted root CA. Maybe push with group policy.


    Then create a csr. Suppose you are using and


    Go to the SAN part and put in






    because there is no reason to limit you to that. Don't mess around, * matches all.


    Then sign the csr with your CA, give it a 10 year life.


    Ensure its enabled for a TLS server.


    Ensure it has an ocsp entry. set to DNS: ocsp.local. If its not there you get "This certificate has no revocation infomration" popups on the browser.


    Voila! You can use that cert and its key for any of your .local and .int.local test sites.


    Export the cert as pkcs11, give it a trivial password then import it to the bigip. That gets the cert and the key.


    You just need the one client-ssl profile with that cert and key, for all test Vips. Pick out the name that was actually presented with SNI::name


    For example, I use .root.xx and .local in my lab, with subdomains. My SAN wildcard certificate looks like this


    DNS Name=root.xx


    DNS Name=*.root.xx


    DNS Name=*.sub1.root.xx


    DNS Name=*.sub2.root.xx


    DNS Name=*.local


    DNS Name=*.ak.local


    DNS Name=*.sea.local


    Ensure your DNS has the correct A records then the users can connect to



    Connects to the VIP, gets your cert which is valid for *.int.local.


    The CA is loaded to the browser as a trusted root CA. so it gets a Green padlock.


    Check SNI::name to get, then connect to the correct internal resource.


    Hope that helps!

