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Chris_FP's avatar
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Feb 09, 2016

Traffic policy not evaluating TCL commands

I've setup a traffic policy to check if a header exists and if it doesn't then to add it. That bit of the logic works however it doesn't add what I need it to - it basically doesn't evaluate the tcl command I put in.

I've tried it using with and without quotes and basically the output I get into the XFF header is the string so either "tcl:[IP::client_addr]" or just tcl:[IP::client_addr]

        actions {
            0 {
                name X-Forwarded-for
                value \"tcl:[IP::client_addr]\"

or actions { 0 { http-header replace name X-Forwarded-for value tcl:[IP::client_addr] }

There are good reasons why I am not using the standard Insert XFF in the HTTP profile and whilst it could easily be done by an iRule I really need this to work, as it should do, in a traffic policy.

I am running 11.5.1 HF7

  • Prior to BigIP 12.0.0, TCL command substitution was currently only implemented in two policy actions:

    http-uri rewrite value
    http-reply redirect location

    Additional actions were added in BigIP 12.0.0, and documented here

  • Hi Parknook,

    I share your opinion, to not use the HTTP profile "Insert X-Forwarded-For" option, when security is somehow a concern.

    But keep in mind that a

    header action is also not the right choice to sanitize every existing instance of
    from the received HTTP request. The
    action would only modify the last occurrence of
    but your application may use the first one. So a combination of
    is the most secure syntax you can pull of...

    To be able to set those headers with LTM Policies prior to v12, you may pass a

    [HTTP::header remove "X-Forwarded-For"]
    [HTTP::header insert "X-Forwarded-For" [IP::client_addr]]
    syntax using the TCL policy action. Well, the TCL action is originally not intended to manipulate request information, but works like a charm and also supports a rich TCL substitution...

    ltm policy Insert_X-Forwarded-For {
        requires { http }
        rules {
            Rule1 {
                actions {
                    0 {
                        expression "[HTTP::header remove \"X-Forwarded-For\"]"
                        name x_forward_for
                    1 {
                        expression "[HTTP::header insert \"X-Forwarded-For\" [IP::client_addr]]"
                        name x_forward_for
                ordinal 1
        strategy first-match

    Note: Personally I wouldn't recommend to use a LTM Policy to issue native TCL commands. But if you require a pure LTM Policy based configuration, then this approach would be one of the last options before migrating to v12...

    Cheers, Kai