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BrianG_11931's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 24, 2014

SharePoint Redirect To New Path Using Public Name



I'm trying to use the following code to redirect public traffic over a secure link (https://) to a SharePoint 2013 server that's listening on port "33230" at "/sites/BI/". I did this before with a SharePoint 2010 server listening on port "80" at "/" without a problem, but this time I'm just getting text from the site in one long column instead of text on top of graphics with the proper formatting (Browsers don't make a difference and I have the same problem with-in the company unless I access the server with the server name in the URL with-in our company and then it looks fine). Firewall has port 80 and 443 open to accept incoming connections to the Virtual IP. Here's the iRule:


    "" {
            switch [TCP::local_port] {
                80 { HTTP::redirect "https://[HTTP::host]/sites/BI/" }
                443 {
                     if { [HTTP::uri] != "/sites/BI/" } {
                          HTTP::redirect "https://[HTTP::host]/sites/BI/"
                     pool SharePoint_Dashboards_pool

I have the following SharePoint Alternate Access Mappings setup in this order:






Thanks, Brian


  • mikeshimkus_111's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Hi Brian, I'm a bit confused. The SharePoint web app is listening on port 33230, but I don't see port 33230 in your switch statement or redirect location.

    I'm not sure that if statements nested inside switch statements work very well. Also, it's true that HTTP::uri will change the URI before it's sent to the server, but the browser doesn't get informed of that, which can cause issues. You could use HTTP::respond in this way to accomplish the same:

    when HTTP_REQUEST  {
        if { [string tolower [HTTP::host]] contains "" && [HTTP::uri] equals "/" }  {
            HTTP::respond 302 Location ""

    I'm curious about what happens when you point at one of your server IPs, rather than the virtual server. Same result?


    • BrianG_11931's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Thanks. I have the pool member listening on port 33230. Could I accept connections on BIG-IP at port 443 and then pass them on to 33230 without having port 33230 part of the URL? Oddly I had it working without the port as part of the URL, but the graphics never appeared in the browser! I actually have some nested switching setup now as I want to handle connections on port 80 and redirect to https:// with the URI, but connections can also come in to port 443 without the URI and I redirect to https:// with the URI. Can I use this without specifying port 33230? Here's the code: when HTTP_REQUEST { switch -glob [getfield [HTTP::host] ":" 2] { "80" { HTTP::redirect "https://[HTTP::host]/sites/BI/" } "443" { switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] { "/sites/bi/" { pool SharePoint_Dashboards_pool } "/" { HTTP::redirect "https://[HTTP::host]/sites/BI/" } } } } } Finally, what's the difference performance-wise and behind-the-scenes using "HTTP::redirect" vs "HTTP::respond 301" or "HTTP::respond 302". I thought about using one of the later two instead, but "HTTP::redirect" seems to be working fine. And is there a case where "HTTP::redirect" is preferred-to-be-used? Is "HTTP::redirect" only meant for switching between "http://" and "https://" and the like protocols? Because that's how I first learned to use it in class.
    • BrianG_11931's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Oh, and do you also know if there's a sway to switch based on protocol (i.e. http:// or https://) instead of port? I researched this yesterday, but I didn't find anything.
  • mikeshimkus_111's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    The port number is usually not going to be included in HTTP::host for 80/443 requests. And, if this virtual server is using a client SSL profile, then your redirect based on the port 80 case will never get triggered.


    You'll need to create a virtual server at port 80 using the same IP address, and apply the _sys_https_redirect iRule to it. That will redirect all http:// unencrypted connections to your SSL virtual server, which should have something similar to the rule I posted above attached to it.


    IIRC, HTTP::redirect is basically the same as "HTTP::respond 302 Location: ". HTTP::respond gives you more control if you want to include other headers, cookies, etc with your response.


    I am not sure that using the custom port number for your pool members will work, because SharePoint is expecting a certain URL scheme for requests to a particular zone. Ports 443 and 33230 would need to have their own zones in Alternate Access Mappings. I have never tried may want to experiment a bit with that.


    • BrianG_11931's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      I actually have 1 iRule used in both a VS @ port 80 and VS @ port 443. I'm using code with-in my iRule to redirect instead of "_sys_https_redirect" because I use some other code in the iRule which is not relevant to this issue. Good point about port not being included for 80/443 requests. I updated my code to switch on "[TCP::local_port]" instead. I played around with the Alternate Access Mappings (AAM) and I could setup the server for traffic coming in from 443 (to port 33230) and I see the URL that I want in the browser finally (, but I get the error message "Sorry, something went wrong. An unexpected error has occurred". My account has access to the site, so that shouldn't be an issue.
  • mikeshimkus_111's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Thinking more about it, in AAMs you should be able to set your public URL to, and add an internal URL for That's essentially what we do when SSL offloading.