Forum Discussion

yeahnhayeah_144's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 14, 2016

SharePoint 2013 iApp and page loading issues since applying a CU

We are using iapp f5.microsoft_sharepoint_2010_2013.v1.1.0 for a SharePOint 2013 farm. We have one irule that fixes a ribbon issue and that has worked well until a recent CU was applied to SharePoint.

The current iRule is:

if {[HTTP::header exists "Transfer-Encoding"]} { 
HTTP::payload rechunk 
if { [HTTP::uri] contains "commandui.ashx" } {

However a recent upgrade to that SharePoint environment from:

15.0.4569.1506 (2015 CU Feb) To 15.0.4823.1003 (2016 CU May)

Has caused page loading issues specifically when 5 or more list view webparts have been added to a page. If I take one listview web part off the page (leaving 4) the problem goes away, add it back on and straight away the page apppears to not fully load for a minute or more (I cannot scroll down the page to see further conntent), likewise when I click on the Page tab of the SharePoint ribbon I get the message 'Working...: and it takes maybe a minute or more to load the ribbon.

Have there been any updates to the iApp? Has anyone tested the iApp recently against a SharePoint 2013 farm on the latest CU?

Any help appreciated.

Have tried the following in our test environment.

  1. Disabling compression
  2. Diabling OneConnect
  3. Diabling APM

But still exhibits the same behaviour.

  • mikeshimkus_111's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Hi yeahnhayeah, we haven't run into this issue, but we'll try to repro in our lab. Have you taken a traffic capture with something like Fiddler or Wireshark to view the response you get when you have 5 web parts on the page versus 4?




    • yeahnhayeah_144's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Hi Mike,


      Yes I did try Fiddler. The page seems to get stuck loading and finally returns a 504 error in Fiddler, though on the SharePoint site it actually displays the page.


      Also, attempting the same page from the SharePoint server was ok, so it points to an F5 type issue. I've also tried turning off Minimal Download Strategy feature and it makes no difference. I should also say that when I tested initially with a list view web part the list had probably 15-20 list items with no filter. So I have added the same list view web part onto the same page 5 times. When I reduced the list items to about 3-5 items, the 5 web parts worked on the page ok. So in terms of testing in a lab you would want to have a list with I would say 15 or more items, then add the list view web part onto the page 5 times. But like I said earlier, 4 listview web parts regardless of the number of list items appeared to work ok.


      I should also say that the site is a hostnamed site collection and is SSL offloading.


      Appreciate your help and would be interested to hear if you can reproduce.


      Cheers Andrew


    • mikeshimkus_111's avatar
      Historic F5 Account

      Did you disable caching as well in your LTM testing?


      You may want to open a ticket with F5 support on this, it's going to take a while for me to get to the repro stage since I'm rebuilding my lab from scratch. If you post back here with the case , I can track it and have a look at your config via iHealth.


    • yeahnhayeah_144's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Hi Mike, ok well I did try your "no cache" mode and straight away everything worked.... Also logged a ticket with F5 and discovered as part of that process what looks to be a memory leak on our LTM - which apparently there is a hotfix for. That might just fix the issue, will keep you updated. Thanks for taking the time to reply.


  • mikeshimkus_111's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Also, what happens when you bypass BIG-IP completely? Do you still see the problem?