Forum Discussion

Florian_Meister's avatar
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Jan 09, 2014

securID authentication via APM & username/pin/tokencode



when authenticating against an SecurID server there are 3 things needed:


username pin-code token-code


there is no documentation around which session variables have to be filled accordingly. there are only 2 session variables mentioned:


session.logon.last.username and session.logon.last.password


how do I have to fill this 3 pieces of information into those 2 variables ?


remember: I do not want to authenticate against 2 different systems like AD AND RSA and send username/password to AD, and username/tokencode to RSA. I want to use RSA SecurID and nothing else.


best regards,




  • that's a good hint, but where is it described in detail ? How do I have to send it to the RSA server ? How do I have to fill the variables ?
  • As far as I know, SecurID can be configured to consume either token code, or token+pin. If you use token+pin, you enter both in the same field, and RSA SecurID server automatically parses it properly and authenticates the request