Forum Discussion

Eric_Robeson_27's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 07, 2004

Running sample script gives 'Could not connect to the requested iControl CORBA Portal'

Dear Forum Readers,



Could someone please help me figure out why I'm unable to run the sample script?



I have quickly read through the iControl documentation and did not see any special setups for iControl for the BigIP.



I'd like to run iControl-4.6.2/sdk/support/SOAP/perl/System/ but I keep getting the following:



user@server[97]./ 'ip address' '443' 'user' 'password'




System Information




SOAP-ENV:Server SOAPException : 'Could not connect to the requested iControl CORBA Portal'


SOAP-ENV:Server SOAPException : 'Could not connect to the requested iControl CORBA Portal'


SOAP-ENV:Server SOAPException : 'Could not connect to the requested iControl CORBA Portal'






Product Information




SOAP-ENV:Server SOAPException : 'Could not connect to the requested iControl CORBA Portal'





I have validated that there is a valid network path to the F5 from my test server and that SOAP::Lite is working (I'm using Perl 5.8.2)



Does the user that I send need to have superuser access? Do I need to enable iControl? We're using BigIP 4.6.2 and the iControl SDK that I'm using is 4.6.2.



Thanks for any suggestions.



  • Loc_Pham_101863's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    This SOAP exception typically means that the CORBA Portal is not running for some reasons. Basically, a client request comes into the SOAP portal, which makes a backend connection to the CORBA portal to service the request. If the CORBA portal is not running, then you'll get the error messages.



    Please try these commands to restart the CORBA Portal (on 4.x):



    bigstart shutdown portal


    bigstart startup corbalocallb


    bigstart startup corbasystem


    bigstart startup corbanetwork


    bigstart startup corbamgmt



    The above commands will restart the CORBA portal and the related CORBA servers to make sure everything is running again.


  • Will stopping and starting the CORBA portal affect normal operation in a production system?
  • The only issue could be with configuration sync but if it is in a state of not being able to be connected to, that wouldn't be functioning anyway.



  • I know this is an old post, but its new to me...


    Whenever I run any of the sample code, I get a similar error.



    For example, when running (connecting to a 4.x BigIP as an admin user) I get:



    Available Pools:


    SOAP-ENV:Server SOAPException : 'Interface ITCMLocalLB/Pool is not available on the requested iControl CORBA Portal!'



    I've tried the restart process for CORBA. I can also go directly to the platform and hit the iControlPortal.cgi and I get good XML back from ITCMLocalLB.Pool.



    Thanks in advance.
  • Did you try the above suggested restart commands:



    bigstart shutdown portal


    bigstart startup corbalocallb


    bigstart startup corbasystem


    bigstart startup corbanetwork


    bigstart startup corbamgmt


    bigstart restart httpd



    I would also throw in the "bigstart restart httpd" to be safe (or a reboot would the most sure bet).



    On 4.x, the iControlPortal.cgi acts as a proxy to the CORBA portal on the device. If for some reason, communication cannot be established between the iControlPortal and the local CORBA portal, this error message will occur. If this problem persists, even after a restart of all the services (or a reboot), then you will have to contact Product Technical Support to get a support engineer looking at your specific configuration.



  • Thanks for the quick response!



    I did run that series of commands to no avail. I then used the bigstart status command to check if they did, in fact, start. Some did and some did not. I started each one individually again, checking status after each and it worked.



    The one difference I saw was that I couldn't start corbanetwork without corbamgmt running. But, when I started corbamgmt, it started both anyway.



    Thanks again for your help.


