Forum Discussion

FMA's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 26, 2018

Replace Host part in HTTP::Location

Hello, guys. I'm trying to find a way to perform manipulation with HTTP::header Location.

1. Web-browser requests
2. Web-server replies with HTTP/301 Location:{$URI} (URI part might change when browsing)
3. I need to have HTTP::Location modified to{$URI} (whatever was put in 2)

I was trying to achieve this with getfield with "/" as delimiter to catch URI part, but this gets broken as number of slashes in Location might increase 😕


  • You could try something like this:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        set uri [HTTP::uri]
    when HTTP_RESPONSE {
        if {([HTTP::is_redirect]) && ([HTTP::header Location] contains "" )} {
            HTTP::header replace Location "$uri"
  • Hi,

    I recommend to replace absolute URI to relative URI. This rewrite rule may have been useless if the server had responded with relative URI.

    when HTTP_RESPONSE {
        if { [HTTP::header exists Location] && ([URI::host [HTTP::header value Location]] equals "")} {
            HTTP::header replace Location [string map { /} [HTTP::header value Location]]