Forum Discussion

Angel_Lopez_116's avatar
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Nov 21, 2014

Reboot Blade / Reboot Chassis options in a vCMP Guest



Which is the difference between "Reboot Blade" and "Reboot Chassis" when we're working at a Guest level?


It's clear that from a Guest I'll never be able of affect the real hardware, so I'l never be able of reboot the blade or chassis. When I use this options on a Guest, what is the real effect?


I don't have a vCMP test environment, so I can't test it. I guess that any of those options will reboot the Guest, but with any difference between the blade or chassis option?


I guess that maybe, "Reboot Blade" at a Guest level will reboot the VM for that Guest on that blade, and "Reboot Chassis" at a Guest level will, maybe, reboot all the VMs for that Guest on all the slots to which that Guest is spanned.


I haven't find any documentation about this specific subject, so any help to clarify this will be welcomed :)

