Forum Discussion

EmBee_57573's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 14, 2012

RDP connection to View 5.1

Dear all,


Our customer has a VMware View 5.1 environment and uses the F5 LTM/APM solution.


Normally the user use their VMware View client to connect. However sometimes they are on workstations that do not have the View client installed or the user does not have the permissions to install the client.


Their thoughts are to use the RDP client to connect to VMware View.


However the connection broker in 5.1 does not support RDP anymore. Therefore the RDP client does not know to which View agent he has to connect.



Are there any solutions to this within F5 as far as any of you know?




  • Within the firepass there was an option to use a view client whichnwas running on the firepass. The user can accesss it via a webbrowser.


    This is missing in the apm.


    Does anyone have a trick for this to get this function within the apm?
  • Within the firepass there was an option to use a view client whichnwas running on the firepass. The user can accesss it via a webbrowser.


    This is missing in the apm.


    Does anyone have a trick for this to get this function within the apm?
  • Within the firepass there was an option to use a view client whichnwas running on the firepass. The user can accesss it via a webbrowser.


    This is missing in the apm.


    Does anyone have a trick for this to get this function within the apm?
  • Within the firepass there was an option to use a view client whichnwas running on the firepass. The user can accesss it via a webbrowser.


    This is missing in the apm.


    Does anyone have a trick for this to get this function within the apm?
  • Within the firepass there was an option to use a view client whichnwas running on the firepass. The user can accesss it via a webbrowser.


    This is missing in the apm.


    Does anyone have a trick for this to get this function within the apm?