Forum Discussion

nanukanu_263047's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 17, 2016

Pool vs Virtual Server



I,m playing with an F5 on my lab environment and have a question.


I have 2 servers with 2 services (http & https) in them and want to balance services, the health monitor is based on access a page via http and receive a 200.


The question I ask myself it's necessary to create 2 pools for each service and two vservers with 2 ports, or one pool with all ports and two vservers with one service port on each? Another approach ? I do not want to apply iRules yet.


Thanks in advance!


  • Hello,


    You can apply both. You need 2 separate VS. But then you can have either a pool with pool members listening on all ports or have dedicated pool for http and https.


    For the pool listening on wildcard, you need to apply specific settings within your http(s) monitor. (alias port)


  • Hello,


    You can apply both. You need 2 separate VS. But then you can have either a pool with pool members listening on all ports or have dedicated pool for http and https.


    For the pool listening on wildcard, you need to apply specific settings within your http(s) monitor. (alias port)


    • nanukanu_263047's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Hi Yann, thanks!! So, what is your advice? I think that if the monitor is the same (im assuring only http, this implies https it's alive too) it,s better one pool == one monitor == 2VS (one for each service). But in the other hand, the option 2 pools on port 80 == 2 monitors on 80 too == 2 VS, 1 in 443 and 1 in 80 isn't bad... What are in brief the benefits and cons of the two options?
    • Yann_Desmarest_'s avatar
      Icon for Nacreous rankNacreous
      Hi, everything depend on what you want to do at the end (ssl offloading/bridging, failover/loadbalancing, etc.) In a standard scenario, I suggest to create 2 VS, 2 pool but one monitor on 80. You have to play with alias port option in the monitor settings an specify 80. This solution give you more flexibility and allow you to shutdown an https pool member without impacting the other pool on 80
  • Hello,


    You can apply both. You need 2 separate VS. But then you can have either a pool with pool members listening on all ports or have dedicated pool for http and https.


    For the pool listening on wildcard, you need to apply specific settings within your http(s) monitor. (alias port)


    • nanukanu_263047's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Hi Yann, thanks!! So, what is your advice? I think that if the monitor is the same (im assuring only http, this implies https it's alive too) it,s better one pool == one monitor == 2VS (one for each service). But in the other hand, the option 2 pools on port 80 == 2 monitors on 80 too == 2 VS, 1 in 443 and 1 in 80 isn't bad... What are in brief the benefits and cons of the two options?
    • Yann_Desmarest's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
      Hi, everything depend on what you want to do at the end (ssl offloading/bridging, failover/loadbalancing, etc.) In a standard scenario, I suggest to create 2 VS, 2 pool but one monitor on 80. You have to play with alias port option in the monitor settings an specify 80. This solution give you more flexibility and allow you to shutdown an https pool member without impacting the other pool on 80