Forum Discussion

Sam10's avatar
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Aug 12, 2019

Virtual server with port translation

We have a VS where we are doing ssl offload and forwading data to pool of servers on specific ports.

client ---443---> VS ------- Node1 and Node2 on both port 9090 and 9091

I created a pool for with Node1 9090, Node1 9091 m Node 2 9090 and NOde2 9091. This is working . But want to know if there is a more better way to do this .

  • This looks fine .. but I believe you will 2 health monitors, 1 for each port. And depending on your setup, you can either mark the node down if 1 monitor fails, or all monitors fail.

  • Looks like a pretty reasonable way of doing it mate. I'd just make sure you have good health monitoring configured for your pool members.

  • This looks fine .. but I believe you will 2 health monitors, 1 for each port. And depending on your setup, you can either mark the node down if 1 monitor fails, or all monitors fail.