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jan_de_wachter_'s avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 17, 2017

LTM show sys ha-mirror command


We are facing persistence mirroring problems (persistency is not mirrored) and opened a case with F5.

I had to do following command: tmsh show sys ha-mirror

Giving following result:

Sys::HA Mirror Status
Traffic Group      TMM  Primary  Secondary  Aborts  Overflows  Errors  Buffered  L4 Mirror  L7 Mirror  L7 Failed
traffic-group-1  [0.0]   closed     closed       0          0       2         0          0          0          0

I am worried about the closed closed answer. Is this blocking our mirroring? How can we change it to open??

Anyone any experience with this status?

Thanks a lot.

  • Greetings, This seems a newer and not very well documented command, so I took a few minutes to see how this works. I don't think mirroring will work for you based on what you've shown and my testing. Here are the results:

    I initially had the "closed" status as well. I set up mirroring and it did not work. I then realized there were no mirroring addresses defined in my CM config. To check:

    tmsh list cm device mirror-ip
    cm device {
    cm device lc.two.testnet {

    Then the status changed to the following:

    Sys::HA Mirror Status
    Traffic Group      TMM  Primary  Secondary  Aborts  Overflows  Errors  Buffered  L4 Mirror  L7 Mirror  L7 Failed
    traffic-group-1  [0.0]    delay     closed       0          0       7         0          0          0          0
    traffic-group-1  [0.1]    delay     closed       0          0       7         0          0          0          0

    Still no mirroring occurring. I then realized that each LTM had a different number of CPUs. So I corrected that and finally mirroring began to work:

     show sys connection type mirror
    Sys::Connections  tcp  1  (tmm: 1)  none
    Total records returned: 1
    Sys::HA Mirror Status
    Traffic Group      TMM    Primary  Secondary  Aborts  Overflows  Errors  Buffered  L4 Mirror  L7 Mirror  L7 Failed
    traffic-group-1  [0.0]  connected     closed       0          0       2         0          0          0          0
    traffic-group-1  [0.1]  connected     closed       0          0       2         0          0          0          0
    traffic-group-1  [0.2]  connected     closed       0          0       2         0          0          0          0
    traffic-group-1  [0.3]  connected     closed       0          0       2         0          0          0          0
  • Kevin_K_51432's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Greetings, This seems a newer and not very well documented command, so I took a few minutes to see how this works. I don't think mirroring will work for you based on what you've shown and my testing. Here are the results:

    I initially had the "closed" status as well. I set up mirroring and it did not work. I then realized there were no mirroring addresses defined in my CM config. To check:

    tmsh list cm device mirror-ip
    cm device {
    cm device lc.two.testnet {

    Then the status changed to the following:

    Sys::HA Mirror Status
    Traffic Group      TMM  Primary  Secondary  Aborts  Overflows  Errors  Buffered  L4 Mirror  L7 Mirror  L7 Failed
    traffic-group-1  [0.0]    delay     closed       0          0       7         0          0          0          0
    traffic-group-1  [0.1]    delay     closed       0          0       7         0          0          0          0

    Still no mirroring occurring. I then realized that each LTM had a different number of CPUs. So I corrected that and finally mirroring began to work:

     show sys connection type mirror
    Sys::Connections  tcp  1  (tmm: 1)  none
    Total records returned: 1
    Sys::HA Mirror Status
    Traffic Group      TMM    Primary  Secondary  Aborts  Overflows  Errors  Buffered  L4 Mirror  L7 Mirror  L7 Failed
    traffic-group-1  [0.0]  connected     closed       0          0       2         0          0          0          0
    traffic-group-1  [0.1]  connected     closed       0          0       2         0          0          0          0
    traffic-group-1  [0.2]  connected     closed       0          0       2         0          0          0          0
    traffic-group-1  [0.3]  connected     closed       0          0       2         0          0          0          0
    • Kevin_K_51432's avatar
      Historic F5 Account

      One final point; the Primary and Secondary are referring to the primary and secondary mirroring IP addresses:

      tmsh modify cm device mirror-ip mirror-secondary-ip
       show sys ha-mirror
      Sys::HA Mirror Status
      Traffic Group      TMM    Primary  Secondary  Aborts  Overflows  Errors  Buffered  L4 Mirror  L7 Mirror  L7 Failed
      traffic-group-1  [0.0]  connected  connected       0          0       2         0          0          0          0
      traffic-group-1  [0.1]  connected  connected       0          0       2         0          0          0          0
      traffic-group-1  [0.2]  connected  connected       0          0       2         0          0          0          0
      traffic-group-1  [0.3]  connected  connected       0          0       2         0          0          0          0
    • jan_de_wachter_'s avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus


      Thanks for your reaction.

      I controlled our settings, and think I am still missing something, but I dont kvow what 🙂

      [HFL5801@f5mechl1-test:/S1-green-P:Active:In Sync] ~  tmsh list cm device mirror-ip
      cm device {
      cm device {
      [HFL5801@f5mechl1-test:/S1-green-P:Active:In Sync] ~  tmsh show sys ha-mirror
      Sys::HA Mirror Status
      Traffic Group      TMM  Primary  Secondary  Aborts  Overflows  Errors  Buffered  L4 Mirror  L7 Mirror  L7 Failed
      traffic-group-1  [0.0]   closed     closed       0          0       0         0          0          0          0

      On my standby F5:

      [HFL5801@f5mechl2-test:/S1-green-P:Standby:In Sync] ~  tmsh list cm device mirror-ip
      cm device {
      cm device {
      [HFL5801@f5mechl2-test:/S1-green-P:Standby:In Sync] ~  tmsh show sys ha-mirror
      Sys::HA Mirror Status
      Traffic Group      TMM  Primary  Secondary  Aborts  Overflows  Errors  Buffered  L4 Mirror  L7 Mirror  L7 Failed
      traffic-group-1  [0.0]   closed     closed       0          0       2         0          0          0          0

      The addresses specified are the non-floating self-ip of the common partition. Is this sufficient, or do we need to specify also the self-ip addresses of the other partitions?

      Thanks !

    • jan_de_wachter_'s avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Hi all,

      With the help of a f5 network engineer we found the origin of our mirroring problem. We have two viprion F5s with each two baldes, working with VCMP (host and guests).

      The problem was caused by the mirror definition (Device management - Device - select self ip - Device Connectivity - Network mirroring).

      We replaced Network Mirroring from "within cluster" to "between clusters" (mandatory for VIPRION connection/persistence mirroring) and mirroring connection came up.

      Show sys HA-mirror:

      Sys::HA Mirror Status
      Traffic Group      TMM    Primary  Secondary  Aborts  Overflows  Errors  Buffered  L4 Mirror  L7 Mirror  L7 Failed
      traffic-group-1  [0.0]  connected     closed       0          0       0         0          0          0          0

      The GUI of our standby system showed the persistency records (with time 0), and after a failover (force to standy) the persistent sessions continued without problems.

      Thanks all for the great help!


  • Hello,

    I have another issue where I see many connections not getting mirrored on standby. I have mirroring for all the Virtual servers.

    on Active device:

    L7 Mirror    L7 Failed
    100           70

    On Standby

     L7 Mirror   L7 Failed
     30           0

    Can someone help me why there are L7 failed showing in Active device??



  • Hi Kevin,

    The above mentioned L7 Failed connections are shown when I used the tmsh show sys ha-mirror command..

    On Active Device

    Sys::HA Mirror Status
    Traffic Group      TMM    Primary  Secondary  Aborts  Overflows  Errors  Buffered  L4 Mirror  L7 Mirror  L7 Failed
    traffic-group-1  [0.0]  connected     closed       1          0       0         0          0          104          64
    traffic-group-1  [0.1]  connected     closed       1          0       0         0          0          106          58
    On Standby Device:
    `Sys::HA Mirror Status
    Traffic Group      TMM    Primary  Secondary  Aborts  Overflows  Errors  Buffered  L4 Mirror  L7 Mirror  L7 Failed
    traffic-group-1  [0.0]  connected     closed       1          0       2         0          0          40          0
    traffic-group-1  [0.1]  connected     closed       1          0       2         0          0          50          0

    I also see that there are few errors on the standby device..


    Mohammed Shiaz