Forum Discussion

Jonathon_Page's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 05, 2017

Log APM application launches from portal to Syslog



I've followed Hamish's answer to the question syslog APM VPN log in and log outs - Thanks Hamish


and now I'm trying to find out is there any way to log if someone launches an application from the webtop


to syslog so we can track application usage?



Any information would be most appreciated




Jonathon Page


1 Reply

  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    If you can identify the URI that gets hit...


    The web top itself is implemented in the client browser as a javascript app. So there's no interaction when the user does anything with the icons, until the browser accesses the link to start the app.


    What the link is, is going to depend on the icon though... If you can identify that, then you can log the URI accessed and count from there.


    Might be other ways, but that's probably the easiest one I can think of immediately. If the app is a Citrix hosted one, you'l be able to get the app by parsing out the XML request (Or the response in the ICA file).