Forum Discussion

Jacob_SLY_26625's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 30, 2016

Keep the existing connections to the same Tomcat server

we have session sticky configured based on a parameter of sessionid attached in http url in F5. we want to keep the existing connections to the same Tomcat server even when health check on it is failed? (failed when F5 gets from a web page with "MA" ). Set "Action on service down" to "none" , but when HTTP Redirect happens in the client , the F5 will treat it as new connection? is it possible to identify a connection based on the "sessionid" , just like session sticky rule?


  • I think the interesting part lies within: - "but when HTTP Redirect happens in the client , the F5 will treat it as new connection?"

    Answer is no. Normally, a teardown of the existing TCP connection does not occur upon a HTTP redirect EXCEPT when the redirect response has a "Connection: Close" header. Assuming it's an App that uses modern version of HTTP (HTTP/1.1 or Speedy), then multiple HTTP redirects can occur on top of the same TCP session.

    What to do?

    • Verify if the
      Connection: Close
      header is included in a HTTP redirect response which specifies the
      header (use Chrome or FF DevTools)
    • Jacob_SLY_26625's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Thanks for the answer; we did a tcpdump on the client, and found that when redirect happened, the TCP port used by the client changed, would it be identified by F5 as a new TCP connection?


    • Leonardo_Souza's avatar
      Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

      Yes, a new TCP connection, however your persistence (session sticky is the name used by Cisco ACE and others Cisco stuff) is based in layer 7 information. If the request made to follow the redirect uses the same sessionid, that new connection will persist to the same server (so no new load balance decision).


    • Jacob_SLY_26625's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      In sunny days, the session sticky rule works fine, even for redirect. but when a web server is forced to "MA" status(a jsp file monitored by Health monitor), the connection was dropped when redirect request happen.


      is it possible to make a tomcat server to offline automatically and no impact to the existing connections with session sticky configured?


  • I think the interesting part lies within: - "but when HTTP Redirect happens in the client , the F5 will treat it as new connection?"

    Answer is no. Normally, a teardown of the existing TCP connection does not occur upon a HTTP redirect EXCEPT when the redirect response has a "Connection: Close" header. Assuming it's an App that uses modern version of HTTP (HTTP/1.1 or Speedy), then multiple HTTP redirects can occur on top of the same TCP session.

    What to do?

    • Verify if the
      Connection: Close
      header is included in a HTTP redirect response which specifies the
      header (use Chrome or FF DevTools)
    • Jacob_SLY_26625's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Thanks for the answer; we did a tcpdump on the client, and found that when redirect happened, the TCP port used by the client changed, would it be identified by F5 as a new TCP connection?


    • Leonardo_Souza's avatar
      Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

      Yes, a new TCP connection, however your persistence (session sticky is the name used by Cisco ACE and others Cisco stuff) is based in layer 7 information. If the request made to follow the redirect uses the same sessionid, that new connection will persist to the same server (so no new load balance decision).


    • Jacob_SLY_26625's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      In sunny days, the session sticky rule works fine, even for redirect. but when a web server is forced to "MA" status(a jsp file monitored by Health monitor), the connection was dropped when redirect request happen.


      is it possible to make a tomcat server to offline automatically and no impact to the existing connections with session sticky configured?