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Reza_76713's avatar
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Jan 26, 2009

IE hangs while ConfigSync

Hi guys,



I have no clue, why ConfigSync between two BigIPs (Master/Slave) hangs?


If I refresh IE while making sync., BigIP shows that ConfigSync: OK??



Any help is appreciated.




  • Hi,



    You may check:


    - Connection still works between both BIGIPs on your HA vlan ? (ssh ? )


    - Check if you don't have huge files (network capture?) in /config ? Quite often people do trace within this directory and this directory is compressed when doing a config sync. A good way to test it so to create an archive. Is it long too ?


    -Both BIGIP have the same time/date? (you can type command date to check that)






  • If the issue is with config sync, you could also run the /usr/local/bin/ script to debug the problem.



    SOL7024: Overview of the configsync process ([url][/url])



  • I get the same problem with i.e 6.0, my Big IP LTM is a 6900 with


    Product: BIG-IP


    Version: 9.4.6


    Build: 401.0


    BaseBuild: 401.0


    Edition: Final



    Here is the output from the debug script, as you can see no error.



    [root@xxxx:Active] / /usr/local/bin/


    Status of daemons:


    All required daemons are up and running (MCPD, CSSD, HTTPD, and BigDBD).


    Configsync configuration:


    Failover address (Self): 172.x.x.x


    Peer IP address: 172.x.x.22


    Configsync port: 443


    Configsync username: admin


    Acceptable time difference: 600 seconds


    Configsync auto detect status:


    2 - Peer config modified, recommend configsync from peer


    Network connection status:


    Local system is listening on configsync port (443).


    Ping test to peer 172.x.x.22 succeeded.


    SOAP connection test to peer 172.x.x.22 succeeded.


    SOAP time difference check:


    Within the acceptable range.


    Product version test:


    Major and minor product versions are identical. The maintenance


    versions are different.



    The configsync tests completed successfully. You can run this


    diagnostic tool on the peer 172.x.x.22 for further information.


    [root@xxxxx:Active] /



    Has anyone got a fix for this



    I have tried Firefox 3.0 same issue.


  • Do you see the same issue if you run the config sync from the command line (b config syn)? I'd suggest opening a case with F5 Support on this regardless.



  • I have opened a case, they are looking to.



    Its a bit strange , as i can config fine from the cli and bigpipe. I can also use the gui fine as long as i use the ip of the external facing VLAN in the browser. this all start when i start using partitions. Not sure if it is related.






    Dave Clark
  • Hey Dave, pls let me know, what is F5 giving you for a solution. Thx
  • Hi Guy's



    I found the issue , on the management port my switch was set as 100 Full hardset, the Mgmt interface default setting is auto .



    Changed the switch port on my Nortel 86000 to auto , config sync is now working from the GUI.



    Hope that helps you out.






    Dave Clark
  • After various research : I found information suggesting fixes related to the issue we where seeing.


    1. One note suggested checking the offset on the NTP client, I noted the offset was off by 40 seconds, not a big issue, I have re-sycned the NTP client and NTPD service.


    2. Another SOL suggested the issue to be wirh Web Accellorator templates, been copied over and causing the sync process to timeout.


    3. My last option was to backup and delete bigip_base.conf and bigip.conf and manually create bigip_base.conf. Next step was to


    b load base ( this basically wipes the config ) this only would load the bigip_base.conf file - settings that do not get synced over, and finally sync the config over from the load balancer. We are now
  • Thank you Nico, your post solved my problem. I was having the same configsync-hang issues and checked everything from port settings to scripts. Nothing appeared out of the ordinary until I looked at my /config directory as mentioned in your post and found this:



    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 487995484 Jul 16 2009 test.file



    I quickly removed this file from both bigips and was able to configsync like a charm! Thank you.