Forum Discussion

MM_F_147944's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 02, 2016

HTTP,TCP Profiles have more option in 11.5.4 then 9.5.x ltm version

i have manually configured all the configuration of old F5 3400 on new f5 4000s , waiting to integrate in the live environment as activity is not yet approved by the customer, The confusion i have is that the Profiles have to many new and different options which i have kept as default however what ever option i have found as per old F5 3400 with 9.5 version i have configured, Can some body tell me that when i will integrate in the existing system i will not face any problem as i have kept all the options in profiles which are new and different as it is.


  • When it comes to new feature settings in TCP and HTTP profiles, I would say your chances of facing a negative impact are quite low, unless you defer from the defaults. But why not go over the documentation to see what each of the options do?


    General rule is that there's no such thing as 100% retention on functionality when doing major upgrades. New features and occasional default-profile over-rides are pushed into TMOS whether you want them or not. Thousands of 'insignificant settings' will change without your consent. Therefore, always assume some negative impact, unless you have done the exact same upgrade for an appliance running the exact same configuration elsewhere.


  • When it comes to new feature settings in TCP and HTTP profiles, I would say your chances of facing a negative impact are quite low, unless you defer from the defaults. But why not go over the documentation to see what each of the options do?


    General rule is that there's no such thing as 100% retention on functionality when doing major upgrades. New features and occasional default-profile over-rides are pushed into TMOS whether you want them or not. Thousands of 'insignificant settings' will change without your consent. Therefore, always assume some negative impact, unless you have done the exact same upgrade for an appliance running the exact same configuration elsewhere.


    • MM_F_147944's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Thanks for reply, As i have set profile values as per old F5 but the values/option which i don't have in old f5 i did not change them, as our priority is to run ADC smooth rather doing changes and some un for seen issue arise at the time of implementation. once the services run successfully then if customer wants we can play with the new options. What do you think, one another thing in http profile there is content list in old version but in new version there is no option.
    • Hannes_Rapp_162's avatar
      Icon for Nacreous rankNacreous
      It makes sense. As the first step, focus on the appliance upgrade (or migration) intervention, where the main goal is to retain as much of the existing functionality as possible. After a week of successful operation, I normally proceed with second step to implement the new features I find interesting. With this way of working you can set a better scope on troubleshooting efforts, should there be any issues.
    • MM_F_147944's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Thanks for response, kindly tell me what i asked you in last that i cannot see content list option in 11.5.4 version is it not necessary or what as in old there is some text which is added in content list '' text/ application/(xml|x-javascript)
  • When it comes to new feature settings in TCP and HTTP profiles, I would say your chances of facing a negative impact are quite low, unless you defer from the defaults. But why not go over the documentation to see what each of the options do?


    General rule is that there's no such thing as 100% retention on functionality when doing major upgrades. New features and occasional default-profile over-rides are pushed into TMOS whether you want them or not. Thousands of 'insignificant settings' will change without your consent. Therefore, always assume some negative impact, unless you have done the exact same upgrade for an appliance running the exact same configuration elsewhere.


    • MM_F_147944's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Thanks for reply, As i have set profile values as per old F5 but the values/option which i don't have in old f5 i did not change them, as our priority is to run ADC smooth rather doing changes and some un for seen issue arise at the time of implementation. once the services run successfully then if customer wants we can play with the new options. What do you think, one another thing in http profile there is content list in old version but in new version there is no option.
    • Hannes_Rapp's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      It makes sense. As the first step, focus on the appliance upgrade (or migration) intervention, where the main goal is to retain as much of the existing functionality as possible. After a week of successful operation, I normally proceed with second step to implement the new features I find interesting. With this way of working you can set a better scope on troubleshooting efforts, should there be any issues.
    • MM_F_147944's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Thanks for response, kindly tell me what i asked you in last that i cannot see content list option in 11.5.4 version is it not necessary or what as in old there is some text which is added in content list '' text/ application/(xml|x-javascript)