Forum Discussion

smithzjl_111689's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 10, 2014

How to get the url on a fashl4 VS

i am using a fastl4 vs for HTTP service. i want to get the url of request by irules. but i can not use the method tcp::collect and uri:: and so on. please point me. Thanks a lot.


  • Hi!


    Sorry, but those methods are not available in the FastL4 VS. If that's what you need you might have to consider using a standard one.




  • Try fastHTTP instead of fastL4 - it does have some iRule support. You don't need tcp::collect BTW, just [HTTP::uri] in HTTP_REQUEST ie

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
       log local0. "[HTTP::uri]"
  • Thanks for your answers. And I use the nPath function on my VS, so i have to use fastL4 profile. what else ways can get the URL of request?    Thank you.