Forum Discussion

draco_184361's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 10, 2016

hello, We have a Web application loadbalanced on f5 but certain page which uses java applet doesnt seem to come up.

hello, We have a Web application load balanced on f5 but certain page which uses java applet doesnt seem to come up. But when directly accessed bypassing f5, it works fine.


Below is Virtual server configuration details :-


ltm virtual VS_3030_x.x.x.x { address-status yes app-service none auth none auto-lasthop default bwc-policy none clone-pools none cmp-enabled yes connection-limit 0 description none destination x.x.x.x:arepa-cas enabled fallback-persistence none flow-eviction-policy none gtm-score 0 ip-protocol tcp last-hop-pool none mask metadata none mirror disabled mobile-app-tunnel disabled nat64 disabled partition Common per-flow-request-access-policy none persist none policies { asm_auto_l7_policy__VS_x.x.x.x { } } pool PWAPM_POOL_3030 profiles { dos { context all } http { context all } tcp { context all } websecurity { ---(less 56%)--- ltm virtual VS_3030_x.x.x.x { address-status yes app-service none auth none auto-lasthop default bwc-policy none clone-pools none cmp-enabled yes connection-limit 0 description none destination x.x.x.x:arepa-cas enabled fallback-persistence none flow-eviction-policy none gtm-score 0 ip-protocol tcp last-hop-pool none mask metadata none mirror disabled mobile-app-tunnel disabled nat64 disabled partition Common per-flow-request-access-policy none persist none policies { asm_auto_l7_policy__VS_3030_x.x.x.x{ } } pool PWAPM_POOL_3030 profiles { dos { context all } http { context all } tcp { context all } websecurity { context all } } rate-class none rate-limit disabled rate-limit-dst-mask 0 rate-limit-mode object rate-limit-src-mask 0 related-rules none rules { RSA_SA } security-log-profiles { "RSA SA" } service-down-immediate-action none service-policy none source source-address-translation { pool none type automap } source-port preserve syn-cookie-status not-activated traffic-classes none translate-address enabled translate-port enabled urldb-feed-policy none vlans none vlans-disabled vs-index 30 } (END)


As you can see above, there is an asm policy applied.


I am new with ASM .Can it be blocked by ASM ? but when I checked in logs , there was nothing when filtered with respect to the Virtual server or source ip.


Version :BIG-IP 12.0.0 Build 1.0.628 Hotfix HF1


Please do guide me what needs to be done.


Thanks in advance!


  • Hi Divyaskumar,


    its always hart to tell from the far, if ASM or certain VS config interferes with you application. I would recommend you to install a client side HTTP debuging tool like Fiddler2 or HTTPWatch to anylse the request flow of both scenarios and then compare the expected and unexpected behaviors...


  (Free Basic Edition)


    Cheers, Kai