Forum Discussion

pv7804_120602's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 23, 2013


Hi Guys,


I'm new to the topic of iRules and would like some help with writing up an iRule that can do the following:



F5 LTM should insert header as follows:


-- F5 checks to see if a "origin-scheme" header exists


-- -- If it already exists for any reason, it will remove it and re-insert its own.


-- -- If it does not exist, it will insert one.


-- "origin-scheme" header is inserted with a value of "http" or "https" depending on how traffic comes to F5 (port 80 or 443)



*I would greatly appreciate any help/guidance!!!



  • Something like this:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
         if { [HTTP::header exists "origin-scheme" } {
              HTTP::header remove "origin-scheme"
         HTTP::header insert "origin-scheme" "my-value"