Forum Discussion

tsrkkmurthy's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 30, 2020

Irule to insert username/password into HTTP header

We have a web site that will house some web pages which are viewed on monitors without any input devices mouse or keyboard, but this web site allows only authenticated users. So is it possible to include username/password in HTTP header whenever a request comes from these monitors. Can somebody help me


  • I'm sure someone can help you. Are you requesting someone to help you? Can you say "please"? 😉


    Obviously I don't work for F5, but:


    • You could identify the monitors using [HTTP::header User-Agent] or [IP::client_addr]
    • You can insert a header using "HTTP::header insert some_header_name some_header_value"


    As for the wisdom of actually having the credentials presented in a header... I guess that's down to the developers.

  • Hi James,

    Very Sorry for missing the "please". I did copy paste from another portal, i did not compose the wording which is why i missed it. Thank You for suggests regarding the HTTP Header. I will check if it works.