Forum Discussion

Barny_Riches's avatar
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Jan 26, 2017

Forms-Based Client-Initiated SSO - Some Basic Principals

I realise that there are already quite a number of questions on DevCentral relating to forms-based client-initiated SSO in APM, but I wondered if anyone could help me to understand some basic principals which would then assist me to find a solution to a problem I am having.


I am attempting to perform SSO to an IBM Jazz Team Server (JTS) instance made available as an APM portal resource. JTS uses the Dojo toolkit to present a login form to users and overrides the standard 'submit' action with dojoAttachEvent.


Obviously I don't expect a working solution for the above but in order to help me to work out it for myself I need to understand a few basic principals of how custom javascript is handled by the SSOv2 form handler.


  1. Are custom javascript replacements/amendments only injected into the page by APM once the form is identified or when the login criteria is matched?
  2. Is form identification performed once the page has fully loaded and the DOM is ready or prior to that point?

Understanding at which point APM attempts form identification and whether it is a pre-requisite for using custom javascript would be really helpful.


Many thanks.


  • Further investigation and reading more posts here on DevCentral suggests that the answer to my first question (1) is yes custom javascript is only inserted once form identification has been made.


    Therefore to expand upon my second question, does the APM SSO agent scan the HTTP stream sent to the browser or does it wait until all the page components have been loaded?


    In the case of the backend Jazz Team Server that I am attempting to log users into, the login form is constructed and attached to the DOM via javascript and I don't seem to be able to identify it by any of the matches available to me (action|order|parameters).


    Does anyone have any experience with forms that are similarly constructed?