Forum Discussion

letakeda's avatar
Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
Sep 29, 2023

F5Access | MacOS Sonoma

I upgraded my MacOS to Sonoma (the latest version of MacOS) and now F5 Access does not open

When I try to open the application, nothing happens. The icon in the up menu bar does not appear.

Is anyone passing through the same situation? Thanks!


  • Apple has released a BugFix/Security release. Updating to MacOS Sonoma 14.4.1 did not fix this issue.

    Here's the release notes:

  • Hey hi,
    If F5 access is not opening and the icon doesn't appear in the menu bar, try reinstalling the application or checking for any compatibility updates from the developer website.

  • I'm going to update the title of this post Sonora > Sonoma to help others find it - especially so as we work towards a technical solution.

    • alex_m's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

      Do you have an ETA for a solution for "F5 Access"? Someone further up this thread mentioned that you're already working on a solution and we should get it around March 19th, but your comment looks to me as if you have not yet started working on a solution?

      I am curious if this issue did not show up on Mac OS 14.4 Beta, or your Q/A does not test for upcoming OS releases?

      The other thing that is difficult to understand is, why there's still no Universal Image available, supporting both Intel (which is becoming irrelevant on Mac) and Apple Silicon? (One with a smaller icon in the menubar.

      • I'll loop back over to Support to see where they are / if there are some solid updates.

  • RenEn's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Hello, we have the same problem in the company after upgrading to Sonoma 14.4 - F5 Access does not open.

    Are there any updates on the issue since no fix has been released so far and we are already past the last ETA

  • The two most recent topics that we've published content on with similiar symptoms are:

    However, that's only at an initial glance of the symptom a few of you have described.  Take a peek at those two and see if there's any relationship to what you're experiencing.  If not, we'd need to get a bit more information to troubleshoot, identify the cause, and provide recommended actions.  We've got a few different 'choose your own adventure' options for you to get a hold of F5 Support to get a solution: K000135931: Contact F5 Support (Chat, Case, Phone)  All 3 of which will most likely result in a case so that we can collect some data from you to get to the specifics of the issue. 

    If you need any assistance with anything above just let us know.

    • letakeda's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

      No yet. They closed the ticket and promised a fix on March, 19. I will try to reopen the ticket.

      • ansarahmed's avatar
        Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

        Hello Letakeda,

        Did you hear anything from f5 support? Any idea when they want to release?

  • I wish i was able to downgrade my MacOs version. Need to wait now. Thanks for the informations Letakeda

    • letakeda's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

      It's possible, I tried, but with no success. Going fwd, please think on backup using Time Machine. This is what I'm doing now. ;)

  • Same there; cannot use F5 Access after upgrade to Sonoma 14.4

    • letakeda's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

      I opened a ticket with F5 Network and chatted with them via email

      They are working on it and should release a new version around March, 19

      We should wait :(

    • letakeda's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus


      I have the same issue again, now, upgrading to Sonoma 14.4....

      I will not upgrade until I perform a backup first. This is the 2nd time :)

      Would you help?

      • boneyard's avatar
        Icon for MVP rankMVP

        Did the new version of the client solved this the last time for you? In that case it is very possible you will have to wait again for a new version. If you have support contract I would contact F5 support about this.