Forum Discussion

Gordon_Bailey-M's avatar
Historic F5 Account
Aug 06, 2014

F5 Viprion Blade Model

I'm probably missing something obvious but...


I'm trying to find our what model Viprion blades we have in a very remote chassis (we're in South Africa, the chassis is in Paris). I can find the blades serial numbers by performing a "tmsh show sys hardware", but I can't find the blade model numbers (we have a 4400 Viprion chassis so I'm trying to ascertain if the blades are 4340Ns or 4300s).


Can anyone help?


  • what type number do you get under system information?

    [root@VIP4400-R69-S33:/S3-green-P:Active] config  tmsh show sys hardware |grep -A 1 System\ Information
    System Information
      Type                       A107

    A107 is 4200, A111 is 4200 NEBS, A108 is 4300 and A110 is 4300 NEBS

  • Gordon_Bailey-M's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Thanks nitass - returns a A111 so I guess we have 4200NEBS. Appreciate the help!