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Snl's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Aug 02, 2016

F5 LTM exchange 2010 issue

Hello Folks


I am having issue with exchange 2010 load balancing , whenever one server failed in pool member outlook client appear with error msg on users pc and required outlook client to close and open again, although ltm detect the failure in pool member , i have tried pool member when service went down reselect option but it didn't helped much,current ltm version is 11.6.1 and using latest iapp template as well service i am using in nlb is mapi,addressbook,pop3


any help appreciated


  • Snl's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

    Issue resolved after fine tune the exchange health check , the outlook connectivity was so sensitive that it was not sustaining the time out less than 5 seconds hence change to 1 second interval and timeout 4


    Cheers snl


  • Snl's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

    error message i am getting when one of the pool member goes down in outlook client is as below


    Random "The Microsoft Exchange Administrator has made a change that requires you quit and restart Outlook" message