Forum Discussion

Santi_81436's avatar
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Oct 16, 2017

Exclude url ASM



My version is BIG-IP 12.1.1 Build 2.0.204 Hotfix HF2, I would disable ASM over an url, for example:


I've an url type: /testing/servers/*


So I want to rule out of my security policy, can I exclude this url of my policy???


Currently I set this url on my policy, that so:


-Application Security : URLs : Allowed URLs : Allowed HTTP URLs -> /testing/servers/* - header-based Content Profile: any - From data


This is configuration isn't working


May you help me, please??




  • Rather than complicate your ASM policy, you can instead change the LTM Traffic Policy by changing the default rule to check whether the URI path does not begin with "/testing/servers/", and enable ASM only if the traffic is matched.


  • Hello, i need more info about this. How to exclude specific URI from ASM scanning.