Forum Discussion

rachitbiyani_21's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 14, 2015

Error encountered when redirecting http to https



I have configured a Performance Layer 4 virtual server. I have installed the following iRule on it:


when HTTP_REQUEST {HTTP::redirect https://[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]}


The client protocol profile for the virtual server is set to fastL4. The HTTP profile is set to HTTP. My VIP is set to The HTTP client machine IP is The HTTP server machine (in the virtual server pool) IP is


Now, when I send a HTTP GET request through the box, I do not see a redirect message on the client. Using, wget I can get the entire webpage that was requested on HTTP.


I checked the ltm log, and it shows this error message:


bigip1 err tmm[13295]: 011f0007:3: http_process_state_prepend - Invalid action:0x109010 (Server side: vip=/Common/vServer2 profile=http pool=/Common/myPool2 server_ip=


I would appreciate any help that I can get on this.


Thanks, Rachit