Forum Discussion

Mike_Ho's avatar
Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
May 22, 2014

ECA plugin documentation in the wiki

I'm running 11.4.1 and trying to figure out NTLM auth. I'm following a guide I found on devcentral but it's not working for me.

I see there's a plugin ECA that enables NTLM authentication, however the documentation is...well, not present.

The Wiki says that 11.3.0 introduced "ECA::metadata" however when I try using that in my iRule I get a syntax error:

01070151:3: Rule [/XXX/ntlm-auth-iRule] error: /XXX/ntlm-auth-iRule:44: error: [undefined procedure: ECA::metadata][ECA::metadata select_ntlm:$static::ntlm_config]

So apparently ECA::select works - by which I mean that I get no errors when I save the iRule. However, the iRule is not working. I am having a hard time troubleshooting because ECA is such a black box.

    • Mike_Ho's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
      Color me interested. I tried "ECA::debug" in my iRule and discovered that does not exist. I then looked in System -> Logs -> Configuration -> Options and I do not see a log level for ECA. Can you share how to turn on ECA debug? And if the logs will not be found in /var/log/ltm or /var/log/apm let me know where to look?
  • kunjan's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    It seems need to use the ECA::select..have you tried enabling eca debug?


    • Mike_Ho's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
      Color me interested. I tried "ECA::debug" in my iRule and discovered that does not exist. I then looked in System -> Logs -> Configuration -> Options and I do not see a log level for ECA. Can you share how to turn on ECA debug? And if the logs will not be found in /var/log/ltm or /var/log/apm let me know where to look?