Forum Discussion

eehir's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 22, 2016

Dynamically limiting VPN bandwith



We have a customer case where they are running a BIG-IP VE with limited bandwidth. We have configured APM with Network Access VPN and would like to limit the bandwidth on it in certain situations. Basically we want to limit the VPN only when the system is under a certain amount of load, for example when 60% of the VE's bandwidth limit is already used. We checked APM's network access client rate classes, but they seem to be always on. Is there a way to enable them on the fly or is there any other way to solve the problem described above?


  • A good way to do this is to use LTM policies to apply bandwidth limiters on virtual servers at increasing levels. eg at 50% set a basic bandwidth controller, at 60% set a lower bandwidth, 70%.... etc Maybe take a look into this here