Forum Discussion

gbunting's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 01, 2009

Discovery failure: invalid certificate when trying to update the Big3d

I was able to run the f5mpgui.exe -DD command from a command prompt opened with the run as administrator. The pathing was correct. I should have left a space between management and pack.



Any idea why I'm able to run the command locally but not through SCOM?



Also, I noticed that when I ran the discovery wizard, the checkbox to authorize Big3d Update was not visible until I clicked on show powershell script.



Unfortunately I'm now getting an error about an invalid certificate when I run the discovery and it is trying to update the Big3d.



Failed to discover device at address:


Network-related failure has occurred: The request failed with HTTP status 401: F5 Authorization Required.



The account I'm using has full access to the console and web interface of the F5.



So I guess i have 2 questions.



1. Why can I not run the discovery from the SCOM interface?


2. Why am I getting that certificate error and what do I need to do to corrrectly discover the F5 devices so they can be monitored from SCOM?





