Forum Discussion

gbunting's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 01, 2009

Discovery failure: invalid certificate when trying to update the Big3d

I was able to run the f5mpgui.exe -DD command from a command prompt opened with the run as administrator. The pathing was correct. I should have left a space between management and pack.



Any idea why I'm able to run the command locally but not through SCOM?



Also, I noticed that when I ran the discovery wizard, the checkbox to authorize Big3d Update was not visible until I clicked on show powershell script.



Unfortunately I'm now getting an error about an invalid certificate when I run the discovery and it is trying to update the Big3d.



Failed to discover device at address:


Network-related failure has occurred: The request failed with HTTP status 401: F5 Authorization Required.



The account I'm using has full access to the console and web interface of the F5.



So I guess i have 2 questions.



1. Why can I not run the discovery from the SCOM interface?


2. Why am I getting that certificate error and what do I need to do to corrrectly discover the F5 devices so they can be monitored from SCOM?








  • Joel,



    I checked /config/big3d and client.crt is there. It is rw by root only. Since I was logging in to do the discovery as admin, does admin have root privileges?



  • joel_hendrickso's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Glen, those permissions are fine.



    Another thing to look at would be whether the same certificate in F50.cer is in client.crt. You would need to open both of them in a text editor to find out. The client.crt on Big-IP will most likely contain multiple certificates, and Management Pack certificate should be at or near the top of the list:



    ===== BEGIN CERTIFICATE =====


    (20 or so lines of text)


    ===== END CERTIFICATE ======



    ===== BEGIN CERTIFICATE =====


    (20 or so lines of text)


    ===== END CERTIFICATE ======



    I've added a double-check for this in the upcoming release.



    Thanks, Joel



  • Joel,



    It looks like the F50.cer is included in the client.crt on the F5.



  • joel_hendrickso's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Glen, one more place to check -- you should have a /shared/em/ssl.crt directory on the big-ip containing a file named with the IP address of the management server. If that file is missing, it would cause the problem you saw (and may cause it again in the future).



    Thanks , Joel
  • Joel,



    I have a file in the /shared/em/ssl.crt dir. That is the IP of the management server.



  • joel_hendrickso's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Glen, the newest build on DevCentral may resolve your problem if you are still having issues (v1.2.0.579).



    One last cause that I thought of: If the clock time on your management server / RMS changes, it may invalidate the certificate. Could that have happened?



    Thanks, Joel