Forum Discussion

Sarah_258804's avatar
Sep 01, 2016

Difference in VS connections versus Pool connections

Hi all,


I am wondering the difference between the current connections on a virtual server versus the current connections on a pool. For example my http/https virtual server has 91 current connections while the pool only has 30. I was under the impression that these two values should be the same.


Does this mean there are 91 users hitting this url, or 30?


I am using a oneconnect profile on this virtual server, so does this mean that its more accurate to say we have 91 users hitting the url but they're sharing the 30 connections already open from the F5 to the servers on the back end?


Thank you


  • Because of Oneconnect profile.. Existing ideal session is getting utilize. Have you applied any persistence profile in VIP?


    • Samir_Jha_52506's avatar
      Icon for Noctilucent rankNoctilucent

      This is the reason. If you need more information check f5 connection table.


    • Sarah_258804's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

      Ok so I'm looking at the connection table now and it says I have around 114 total connections to the vIP which coincides with the current connections on the virtual server in the GUI which is around the same number give or take 1 or 2.


      However, in the connections list I'm seeing multiple connections from the same IP addresses (and these are all internal IPs so this isn't because of NAT). So this doesn't really mean I have 114 different users hitting the url. Is there a way to collapse connections from the same IP addresses so I can more accurately see how many users are using the webpage?