Forum Discussion

BrentKingston's avatar
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Sep 24, 2024

Creating External Monitors via AS3

I am trying to create an external monitor via AS3 using a script that exists as part of a gitlab project.


F5 provides an example here.


  "mNewExternalMonitorFile": {
    "class": "Monitor",
    "monitorType": "external",
    "interval": 5,
    "upInterval": 0,
    "timeUntilUp": 0,
    "timeout": 16,
    "expand": false,
    "script": {
      "url": ""
    "environmentVariables": {
        "USER": "example"

I am able to do this exact thing with the url portion replaced with a local resource. However, I need to be able to provide authentication/authorization details to the resource.


There are other resources in AS3 that use the property Resource_URL. Unfortunately I can't use this because of the way Monitor_External is configured. 

Alternatively, is there a way for me to point to the local BigIP "/shared" directory and pull the script from there?

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