Forum Discussion

Ger_Hackett_323's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 17, 2012

Connection Reaping



I have written a simple iRule that logs when the events SERVER_CONNECTED, SERVER_CLOSED and CLIENT_CLOSED fire. I’m using this to have a log of the traffic hitting my pool members and to also get an idea of the number of concurrent connections the members have to handle.


I have a question around connection reaping. In the profile associated with the Virtual Server / iRule, the TCP Idle timeout is set to 120 seconds as I’m processing HTTP traffic. When the connection reaping process runs, it should purge connections that have been idle for more than 120 seconds. When this happens would the SERVER_CLOSED event get fired in my iRule? I’m working with v10.2.




Ger Hackett


  • Hi Ger,



    I don't believe that the connection reaping would trigger the SERVER_CLOSED event since iRule are specifically event driven and this event would require a active response from the server closing the connection.



    The connection reaping clears out the connection table directly and does not trigger any event.


  • Hi Michael,


    Thanks very much for your reply, that's what I suspected.



