Forum Discussion

AaronMLong_1021's avatar
Jun 14, 2012

Class Match iRule problem

So I'm writing a simple dust page rule, which I want to make a few exceptions based on source address. I used to have a if/then/else nightmare in 9.4.4, so I'm not sorry to revisit the issue, but the class match syntax is still evading me, I think. Either that or there's some other screwup in here I'm missing:

   if { [class match [IP::client_addr] equals 
"AWS_EC2"] } {
       Allow Amazon EC2 nodes past DUST Page
   } elseif 
{ [class match [IP::client_addr] equals "Testers"] } {
       Allow Testers 
past DUST Page
   } else {

My data groups are entered using the Data Group Editor in the F5 iRule Editor, under Addresses. When I access from an IP listed in my class match clauses, I still get redirected to URL. What am I screwing up?
  • HI, we are having the same issue. I will take this workaround and move the datagroup to the common partition. Thank you very much for this temporary solution, I hope F5 guys give us a solution soon.
  • Well, finally there is not a real workaround here, moving the datagroup to the common partition does not make any difference. sol12301 says it very clearly, if you are not working with the default routing domain, the class command will not work