Forum Discussion

EdH_135054's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 15, 2014

Caching content on the F5 - is it possible?

Good Day everyone!


Struggling - although there are a couple of references on the site, I am having trouble getting concrete information.


Currently, we have an ACE LB in front of apache web servers which in turn load balance a group of tomcat servers. The apace WS cache content to improve performance.


The f5 will replace ACE and I would like if possible cache the content on the F5 and remove the apache WS layer all together.


Is this possible? Is it a good idea? Can you point me to the correct link for documentation on this topic.


  • giltjr's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Yes, a BIG-IP F5 running LTM can do content caching. In my personal opinion the fewer devices/boxes you have in the path the better. So yes, I think it is a good idea to replace everything you can with the F5.


  • Given that it is LTM, is there an add-on required such as web accelerator?
  • No W.A. it's not needed. If you run a tmsh show sys license, you should see a Ramcache entry, and this is what you need.


    root@(f5)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) show sys license


    Sys::License Licensed Version 10.2.2 ...... Active Modules LTM, 6900 .... LTM, Base ...... Ram Cache 50 MBPS COMPRESSION .....