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cphillips19_137's avatar
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Nov 13, 2013

APM New Virtual Server

Hey guys!


Brand new to the F5 world. Wondering if someone could point me in the right direction. We have a HA pair that we are only doing APM on at the moment. We have a virtual server that runs our main access profile that that works perfectly. I wanted to add a second virtual server to use specifically for SAML purposes. I configured the Virtual server with an IP which I can ping and can see from our firewall I am accessing... But it returns no response page when I browse to it. It is configured very similar to our main Virtual Server. Is there anything I may be missing when a second VS is created?


Any help would be awesome!


  • This looks like an IdP configuration then. Do you have a SAML resource in the resource assignment agent? What do you see when you hit the VIP? I white page or a standard F5 APM error page? Take a look inside the LTM and APM logs for anything that stands out.


  • The Access Policy is configured as a logon page > AD Auth > Resource assign. The resource assign references the SAML config (the SAML config is tested working with my other virtual server). But I don't even get a logon page when I browse to the VIP. So the problem seems to be right at the start before any SAML config comes into play.


  • How do you have the access policy configured on the second VIP? You mentioned SAML, but SAML requires two components: an SP and an IdP (in which your access policy could do either).