Forum Discussion

Mohandoss_27648's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 15, 2016

APM Manage Session

I want to monitor active session count, status, session ID, Bytes In and Bytes Out of APM Session through CLI command. Can anyone tell me the command


  • Current user counts:


    tmsh show apm license

    the "result" code of all sessions (it's basically "status"), bytes, sessionID:


    [root@current-2:Active:Standalone] config  **sessiondump --allkeys | grep -E 'session.policy.result |bytes'**
    3fc31319.session.policy.result 5 allow 4 8193
    3fc31319.session.stats.bytes.out 4 3003

    Don't run this command often in production, it's expensive.


  • Lucas_Thompson_'s avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    Current user counts:


    tmsh show apm license

    the "result" code of all sessions (it's basically "status"), bytes, sessionID:


    [root@current-2:Active:Standalone] config  **sessiondump --allkeys | grep -E 'session.policy.result |bytes'**
    3fc31319.session.policy.result 5 allow 4 8193
    3fc31319.session.stats.bytes.out 4 3003

    Don't run this command often in production, it's expensive.


    • Mohandoss_27648's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Hi thanks for your answer..


      My exact question is how to get the individual session information like client IP, Logon Name, Access Status, Start time, Expiration time etc.. related with APM session. For your reference find the below screenshot that was i noted from F5.



      In the above image you can see the session information will be available in CLI not in SNMP. Will you share any commands to get those information from F5 APM. Thanks in advance....


    • The-messenger's avatar
      Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

      I use this command to get the active session count. You can grep for more. tmsh show apm access-info | grep returned