Forum Discussion

Farhan_Qureshi_'s avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 21, 2017

301a and 301b lab



I have recently cleared my 201 and now eager to go for 301a & b. With couple of years of experience on LTM and labs from F5 university I was able to get over the mark. With 301a in mind, I am looking for some advice on lab setup (virtual as too poor to afford physical :] ).


Like to know if just 2 pair of LTM’s in HA along with internal and external network would be good enough to cover the 301a exam blueprint? Any recommendation on the lab scenario?


  • I'll ping boneyard to give you a few pointers on that. He's one of the guys who has cleared all certifications.


    In regards to my own lab, I use a cluster of 3 units to test riskier changes and complex setups for my clients. 2-unit cluster will likely be enough but make sure you test Active-Active, not just Active-Standby to better understand how traffic-groups work. From what I've heard, HA related questions are plentiful in LTM exam agenda.


    I'm a daily Linux user. For my personal lab, I use Libvirt KVM for BigIP deployments (3x VMs), native instances of Apache web servers (covers all needs for LTM testing), and a Wordpress instance that I use as attack and exploit target (ASM WAF testing). You can do the same on Windows 10 with Hyper-V.