F5 BIG-IP Unicast VXLAN-GPE Tunnel Sample Config
Hello Everyone, I'm looking for a Unicast VXLAN-GPE Tunnel Sample Config on BIP-IP. It will be a great help if anyone can share or point to documentation. I already checked the official documentation but that is only available for the VXLAN-GPE multicast scenario but in my case, it's a unicast tunnel. Also, I want to use IPv4 as the next protocol, looks like ethernet is used by default and I don't see in the documentation on how to change to IPv4. You can configure a VXLAN Generic Protocol Extension (GPE) tunnel when you want to add fields to the VXLAN header. One of these fields is Next Protocol, with values for Ethernet, IPv4, IPv6, and Network Service Header (NSH). Thanks!47Views1like0Comments