Last year we received a badge for logging in on Star Wars day. How about a bagde for Towel Day this year? For all Douglas Adams fans in the community 😁
Badge for Towel Day
Jun 14, 2023Ret. Employee
LiefZimmerman - added to the list!
While most of these will probably be special Jimmy Packets cosplays rather than badges, I've got these so far for 2024:
Star Trek First Contact Day (April 5, 2024 - I want to mark this because of how significant the show has been in inspiring countless scientists and engineers, plus it is the actual day mentioned in the franchise)
May the Fourth (May 4, of course)
Towel Day (May 25, and thanks for all the fish)
Star Trek Day (September 8 - we'll skip celebrating the Bell Riots which are supposed to also be that month and year, as per Deep Space Nine)
Halloween (October 31, because Jimmy Packets really likes a chance to put on a costume)
Happy to consider adding more days if folks want to suggest some. 🙂