Forum Discussion

Daniel_Rodrigue's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 10, 2018

What to check in the License before paste it to reactivate?

I'm trying to write a manual for my company for upgrade an LTM. But in the Licensing proccess, I don't know what should the Operator check in the given license after, pasting the Dossier at the F5 site to make sure everything is ok and active...


I had some problems with that in the past... re-activating a License, and because a mistake, the License wasn't active and I ended with a non-licensed BIGIP in the middle of the upgrade.... :-S


Thank you in advance


  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    My personal favourite - Do you have an approved change for this work and are we in the change window?


    I'd also check the dates and the EXPECTED features...


  • You can also include below points: Go to cd /config


    Type below command and see license is upto date... if not renew the license and you should see latest date under service chekc date option.


    grep "Service check date" bigip.license Eg: Service check date : 20180907


    You can verify below link for license verification for F5 devices.