Forum Discussion

Lobak_187587's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 18, 2015

what is needed to make floating IP?

I downloaded Big-IP LTM VE 11.3 and start it on my vmware workstation.


During configuration from web UI, there's a step where I need to specify self IP and floating IP for VLAN. When I entered and IP address it showed "required".


How do I do this on vmware workstation 11?


5 Replies

  • Karim's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus



    Could you please clarify your question ? how do you do what on vmware workstation ?


    Floating IP addresses are IP addresses that only the active BigIP member respond to in a specific traffic group. So if you have two bigip in an active/standby, only the bigip in which traffic_group_a is set to active will respond to this floating IP . If a fail-over occurs, this IP will float to the other member and then he'll respond now to the floating IP.


    Hope it'll help




  • Karim's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

    Hi Lobak,


    Why would it not proceed if I do not intend to do failover?


    Do not configure it ... I mean what's the issue with the floating ip ? After changing the password in the setup utility just click finished and you're good to go. Go to the Network menu and configure your non-floating internal and external self IPs.


    If however you click next, the wizzard will help you configure : Redundancy, VLANs, NTP, DNS, Config Sync Failover, Mirroring, Peer Device Discovery (for Redundant Configurations).


    Hope it'll help,




  • Karim's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

    Hi Lobak,


    Why would it not proceed if I do not intend to do failover?


    Do not configure it ... I mean what's the issue with the floating ip ? After changing the password in the setup utility just click finished and you're good to go. Go to the Network menu and configure your non-floating internal and external self IPs.


    If however you click next, the wizzard will help you configure : Redundancy, VLANs, NTP, DNS, Config Sync Failover, Mirroring, Peer Device Discovery (for Redundant Configurations).


    Hope it'll help,

