Forum Discussion

Marcos_Gaspar_G's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 25, 2014

What hardware comes with 'Better' and 'Best' Viprion software?

Hello all


As far as I know, Viprion's bundles 'Better' and 'Best' come with a bunch of modules each ('Best'='Better'+APM+ASM); anyway I still have some doubts, such as: - If I purchase a Viprion Chassis 2400 in 'Better' mode, with what kind of hardware will it come? How many blades will come with the chassis? - If I purchase a Viprion Chassis 2400 in 'Best' mode, with what kind of hardware will it come? How many blades will come with the chassis? - What happens with the other two models (4480 and 4800)? These are bigger chassis... would they come with more blades?


Please advise


  • Hi everybody


    Without the intention of generating any kind of confussion, I'll try to clarify what I said, and please need your feedback, in order to knowing if I am right or just talking nonsense :/


    • About item 1, what I meant is that after paying for one bundle, this license can be put in just one blade (if I want to use another blade in the chassis, I should need to get another license for it)... this way, every blade would work as a single BIG-IP... it doesn't mean at all that I can purchase one bundle's license and use it amongst all the blades I have in the chassis... if we want to use all the blades with one single license, we shall get the VCMP license for the chassis and then we will be able to attach this bundle license for the whole chassis, so we would be able to provision all modules among all blades we have in the chassis...

    Is this right? sorry for insisting so much but I need to have every scenario about this quite clear...


  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    When you buy the bundle, it's for ALL the blades in the chassis. You don't (Can't in fact I suspect) buy more than one of the same bundle license for a chassis.


    I'm not sure you can run individual blades in a chassis as separate images... [Admittedly I've never tried. We use vCMP]. Although they do run a separate copy of Linux, their own tmm's etc, they inherit everything from the existing blades... Right down to the OS installed (When you put a blade into a chassis with a backlevel OS for example, they'll upgrade automatically to the same version as the existing blades and join the cluster)




  • JG's avatar
    Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus

    I think the primary blade will propagate/sync its conf to all of the rest of the blades, and it is a continuous process.


  • if this remains unclear for you then contact your local F5 sales, im sure they can explain it fully to you.